Happy Thursday kings and queens. It’s time for one of my trademark rants and there’s a metric shit ton to cover today.
Before we get into it I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the people who lost their lives last night in the brutal aerial collision over DC. The FAA says a Blackhawk helicopter (carrying at least 3 US soldiers) collided with an American Airlines CRJ-700 jet with approximately 64 people on board last night. Details are still emerging but some reports indicate the chopper was NOT broadcasting an ADSB signal at the time which may be a reason for the disaster (it was reportedly taking part in a training flight).
Won’t speculate on anything as of now — but shitty way to begin wrapping up the week. Prayers to the families and loved ones of those impacted.
Over the years I suspect one of the biggest reasons people have gravitated towards me and the brands I have developed (Arbitrage Andy, Arb Letter, etc.) is because I just tend to say things like they are. No mincing, or bullshit, or political correctness — just the truth and the reality of what’s happening with humor and irreverence mixed in. Thats my sense — maybe there are other reasons too.
I’d certainly classify myself as a realist and the last 5 years or so have been tough for us — up was down, man was woman, wrong was right, etc. We were living in an alternate reality that was propped up and spread by institutions, our government, the media, and the establishment. Whether you like it or not that is all collapsing in real time an a reversion to the natural state of things is taking place.
People are regaining at least SOME of their senses.
There’s been quite a few cultural debates, headlines, and developments that have popped up online this week that I believe highlight the shift that is taking place rapidly across society.
Make no mistake this is the genesis of a revolution in the way that people are thinking and acting. Pair it with the rapid development in AI, technology, and crypto, and you have quite the interesting timeline unfolding for the years ahead. There will never be more chances to succeed and get what you want. Optimal conditions.
Today we are going to discuss three primary topics:
1. The reality of the worker x employer relationship and why it’s more important than ever that you understand this dynamic. This includes relevant updates including:
The tragic passing of a 28 year old banking associate at Jefferies and similar instances over the last 3 years
One particular tweet from a CEO on PIPs (performance improvement plans) and how “he wants you to actually succeed on one (LOL)
The cultural shift of interest in jobs and lives outside of the establishment corporate machine
2. The drastic and immediate political shifts occurring in the US and why a minority is still clinging to the “reality” that defined the last 5 years or so including:
The leftist media trying to have a “gotcha” moment with the magazine cover depicting young Trump voters on election night as “the cruel kids” and conveniently leaving out minorities and people of color in the shot
Leftists and celebrities (looking at you Selena Gomez) taking to the internet to cry, pout, and attack illegal immigrant deportations
JD Vance absolutely destroying CBS’ Margaret Brennan on illegal immigration
The White House stating that the recent drone activity over New Jersey was authorized by the FAA for research and recreational purposes, dismissing concerns about foreign involvement. Officials assured the public that the drones posed no national security threat, though some questions remain about their operators and purpose. Funny we weren’t told that from the get go…..
3. The financial markets, rapidly shifting narratives like AI and crypto, and the emotional state of retail investors, influencers, and online communities including:
Crypto twitter and retail are panicking saying crypto is doomed
Retail saying online that the bull market is over
People believing a single income can save them or help them make it in this environment
People fading absolute runners like PLTR 0.00%↑ NVDA 0.00%↑ and TSLA 0.00%↑
No time to waste today so let’s get started. We’re going to start with the corporate world and then we will move into what to expect in the political and markets realm this year and beyond.
Institutions, Jobs, Self Development
Unfortunately this week we learned of a 28 year old Associate at Jefferies who passed away. While details are still scarce and authorities are investigating, this isn’t the only death that has occurred in the financial industry in past year that is said to be linked to overworking and long hours. Prayers to his family. A similar instance happened with a Bank of America banker not that long ago.
It’s tragic — people get sucked into the high pressure of these jobs and lose sight of the fact that balance and mental sanity should be prioritized over all else — I don’t care where you work or what you’re being told to do. Pressure is mounting on these companies to do more about these conditions that are driving people to the absolute edge of their ability and health.
The piece that I wrote about stress and anxiety earlier this week expands on a lot of these concepts.
There is live beyond work. Your title or role is not what you should be defining yourself as.
In 2025 and beyond there are going to be countless opportunities to expand your professional endeavors beyond selling your soul to a corporation that churns you through the wheels of the machine and spits you out.
But hey! Andy! I got a few pizza parties and a company thermos! My fat alcoholic middle manager didn’t yell at me for a week when I did what he said!
Listen to me please brothers and sisters.