Good morning.
If you’ve found your way to this part of the internet, it probably means you’re smarter than the average person.
It probably means you:
Want to build wealth
Want to improve your awareness of the world
Want to become better socially, mentally, and physically
Want to beat the “matrix” or “game” we find ourselves in
In the words of riff raff, I wanna blow up and then act like I dont know nobody
We’re doing this in a straight forward and efficient way. No fluff.
If you follow Arb Letter you know about Arbitrage Andy — my finance meme page that exploded through the golden age of finance memery in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.
It was an awesome time when an expansive Wall Street/finance/stocks contingent of memers and influencers put out great original content before the Reddit/retail/crypto craze was even a thing.
It was deal sleds, hamptons photos, rolexes, cars, in office photos, the whole nine yards. Some of us running accounts were getting job offers, date offers, and party invites from celebrities simply for running meme pages.
The page we created grew to 250,000 followers, and we were able to turn a creative media focused skillset into a viable business and online brand that many follow.
And people ask me all the time — how did you think of it? How do you make the content? What made you start it originally?
What’s the business look like?
How did you know this would work?
Why work on something outside of work?
The truth is…..
You’ll find thousands of gurus, FX legends, investment professionals, scam artists, and phonies in the finance and self improvement space.
So many, that it can be hard to distill who knows what they are talking about and who’s simply shilling, either for themselves, or as we recently saw from high profile “legit” influencers during the last crypto bull run, who’s full of shit and will screw over their following with some referral codes and podcast ad placements.
But what if I told you there was a community online growing rapidly that helped facilitate and build up other people to get them rich, healthier, and more competitive?
The original gangster group is BowTied Bull.
BowTiedBull is essentially a group of Ex-Wall Street Tech Bankers and software engineers who moved into affiliate marketing and e-commerce. They’ve been working in
Finding them early was a complete game changer for my finances and life which is why I want to do a deep dive/interview with them for my subscribers and followers. No other digital group or quasi mentor has been quite as impactful.
I can safely say they were key in driving me to start a side hustle and position myself early on in my career to build an excellent skillset.
They provided me with a tried and true framework for starting to accumulate wealth, starting a business, and approaching life from an efficiency standpoint when I was in my early 20’s and most impressionable — not too mention most lost on what I wanted to do with my life.
I knew I was destined to escape the 9-5 life eventually and that I wanted to get on the track to becoming rich.
I wanted to become independent and sovereign.
BTB early on provided an excellent and easy to understand framework for accumulating wealth.
Similar to their original piece they are known for — Efficiency, they cut straight to the chase and to the point in the their volumes written under their internet pseudonym BowTiedBull.
They don’t like wasting time and don’t like filler words like 99% of all of the self help or finance products out there.
Blunt, Simply. Effective. Candid.
Stuff you can implement and actually see a change in your life.
How else would you like to learn?
I don’t know about you but I would rather have someone tell me like it is and maybe hurt my pride or ego, than receive a bunch of confusing nuanced fluff and speculation on how to achieve something great and make a lot of money.
For the purpose of this post you can assume:
We will use them interchangeably.
In today’s highly anticipated post we will cover:
How we found BTB - a case study
The influence they had on our success with Arbitrage Andy and Arb Letter
Their proven framework to help anybody in getting rich
My personal finance and business structures (inspired by their framework)
Why their framework is going to separate winners from losers in the next 5 years
Our written interview with BowTiedBull
Like BowTiedBull, we put out paid posts through Substack for our more valuable content.
A big piece of growing up and maturing financially, is your attitude towards money, how it works, and what it is good for/can do for you.
Whether you’re dropping $10,000 on a new Rolex, $2,000+ a year for a premium gym membership, or throwing $50,000 at a new real estate investment, one thing you absolutely cannot do when it comes to money is have a scarcity mentality.
That is, you clench onto money and view it as finite.
Each of those aforementioned items and price tags have a degree of utility to them to make your life better, more enriched, more fun, more entertaining, and more meaningful.
But Andy why make it paid? Shouldn’t everyone get to learn this stuff?
We offer plenty of free material and resources, but our post covering BTB is paid.
The brief interview alone we did with them is worth at least $100, as their time is valuable and they have a proven track record of helping people who started from little. They are helping people build real businesses and brands that will allow people to gain their independence and escape a dreadful lower class existence.
Why do rich people pay for Equinox, or trips to Greece, or for massive pieces of land?
To separate themselves from the riff raff.
One of my Twitter follows said it best yesterday - if I offered you a Filet Mignon for free at a restaurant, you would question the quality of the meat and rightfully so.

The time, effort, and bandwidth it takes to organize, synthesize, and present this information isn’t negligible.
We also know the value of this network.
Bottom line - if you don’t want to shell out the equivalent of 1 Starbucks milkshake a month to get better up to date information, learn more about what’s going on in the world, and be in the know on breaking financial updates — that’s completely okay.
Thousands of others are because they realize how critical it is these days to get reliable and unfiltered information that isn’t biased or shilled for some nuanced reason.
But understand that our free posts aren’t where the most substance and value is — though we believe in letting everyone learn something.
Believe me when I say that BowTiedBull is one of the absolute best resources imaginable on getting rich, building a better life, and “making it”.
Plain and simple.
You were born to win, but to be the winner you were born to be, you have to plan to win and prepare to win. Then and only then can you expect to win
—Bob ZiglerEm