Good morning kings (and queens). Much of the content in Arb Letter highlights and walks through problems. As I have mentioned before this can get monotonous and even depressing if you ingest too much of the news cycle, media, or content. Instead today we will focus on some solutions.
We’re at a pivotal crossroads in Western society at the moment. The ruling elites, insitutions, and political groups in power want both genders but specifically men, weak, incapable, and docile. They are much easier to govern and control this way.
You really have two options moving forward as a man.
You can choose to opt into the “system”. Doing so ensures you have to rely on a corporate or traditional job, pay sky high taxes, educate your kids in government funded schools, follow DEI or socially woke principles, rely on goods and services subject to the whims of those in power, rely on the government to protect you, and live near major urban centers. There’s some merit to this lifestyle — many would refer to this as being “on grid”.
You can also choose to pursue sovereignty and freedom. I feel every man has a responsibility to seek these ideals out in his lifetime. Autonomy defines many men from history — fighting for the ability to answer to know man or force but god (if you’re religious). Achieving sovereignty and true freedom from the “system” is a matter of gaining resources, skill sets, and assets. Truth is, there’s a list of items that most men should own, either because it will make you more confident, allow you to function as a free and independant man, or serve as a source of pride as you tackle life’s challenges head on. The internet memes of an empty room with a mattress, gun, and Xbox stating “Women hate how little it takes to make us happy” are funny because they’re rooted in some truth.
Today I we’ll cover a straightforward list on 20 items every man will need in 2024. Ladies don’t fret — some of the content will still be a good read to you but given my following is 90% men today’s post will be for the young kings.
If you missed one of our more popular posts on Masculinity in 2023 I recommend quickly reading that one before hopping into today’s post as there will be points I will build on and address. The post talks about how soft everything is nowadays and how the masculinity crisis isn’t one of toxicity, it’s a lack of traditional masculine values paired with rapid changes in society.
While I am no alpha god or all mighty masculine knowing figure — the status of men these days is disheartening. Check out these statistics below if you think I am being dramatic:
More than 60 percent of young men are single, nearly twice the rate of unattached young women, signaling a larger breakdown in the social, romantic and sexual life of the American male (The Hill). The biggest drop in employment today is among young men aged 25 to 34. As a result, men make up only 44% of young college students today, which is down from 47% in 2011 (Pew)
Many men are weak, passive aggressive, lazy, and misled right now in their lives. Even more are chasing the wrong things perpetually — endless benders and nights out, quick dopamine hits like sports gambling, drugs, non stop casual sex with swamp donkeys, or alcohol, and positive feedback loops. Part of me feels bad — men nowadays have no wars to fight, no worlds to explore, and have to deal with the changing social dynamics brought on by third wave feminism, which subverts their roles as providers and protectors, inherently going against biological imperatives. I believe this has harmed women as well but that’s a post for another day.
All that fuckery and short term bliss is tons of fun in your 20’s don’t get me wrong — but now at the age of 31 I see it for what it is — distractions and short term pleasure with no long term gratification. Distractions from good work I could be putting in, time I could be spending with my family, or energy I can pour into something more positive like building my business or strengthening my community.
The true toxic masculinity crisis is one stemming from a lack of masculine traits.
I’m sure plenty of you have run into the ever more common “pencil neck” smug guy. These modern softos look down on all forms of traditional masculinity — aggression, initiative, discipline, fitness strength, and initiative.
They’re likely to call these traits toxic and douchey given the fact they possess none of them and bluntly, are intimidated by men they perceive to be more capable or “masculine”.
Reminds me of the quote from Dr. Jordan Peterson: “And if you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of.” Insecurity, frustration, and aimlessness has taken over masses of young men today and driven many into a pathetic state. Weak men topple societies and pose grave threats to the longevity of society.
2024 will be a defining year for many men — they’ll either choose to give in to the easy comfortable path they’re on — or make some substantial changes to accelerate their success in finance, relationships, work, and life.
So let’s get started — Arbitrage Andy’s list of items every man should own in 2024.
“Men should be tough, fair, and courageous, never petty, never looking for a fight, but never backing down from one either”
—John Wayne
A Nice Watch
Watch out Apple Watch dorks — traditional watch supremacy is on the rise.